Tony Spengler/ April 6, 2023
I started expanding my searches and interactions on various Discord channels, meeting TTRPG people around the world and learning of new podcasts. On the pirate ship that is the RollBritanna channel, I found Jen! Jen Volunteered as tribute for interrogation, and what a pleasure it was to waterboard another player! What a saint she is, a Forever-Healer, she deserves respect for keeping any and all parties alive. F in chat.

Origin: Born & raised in California.
Moved to Colorado where I currently reside with my 16 year old son.
Names/Handles: Just Jen🦋 on Twitter & Discord. Some call me Kit from dogsled racing days.
TTRPG Gaming Experience: Started playing about 2 1/2 years ago through Discord. Played a lot of play by post & live VC games.
Age: 45
Q) I haven’t gotten a chance to listen to your podcast, but it's on my list! Could you give an elevator pitch for your podcast for our readers to know what you’re about?
A) The one I’m currently in is under Many Stories, Many Games, I’m in Choices a Fallen Camelot campaign & also we had a brief Humblewood mini series.
I was also on TTRPG Academy: Faerun Reborn. It’s done now, but was really fun & I recommend it & any of their other games that are currently running. I still play on their Discord server, it’s just not on the official podcast.
Q) Do you have an episode that you would suggest to get a good taste of your podcast?
A) I’d say start at the beginning, we have different players (only three of the originals are still playing), but it sets the stage for who we are & why we are here. Otherwise if you want to see who we are today you can jump right in with the last one & hold on tight!
Q) You mentioned your Discord handle is Kit, what’s the story behind that?
A) [The] story for the nickname Kit has to do with dogsled racing. Namesake giving birth to my first dog.

[This picture was] my last race.
Q) What are your favorite races, archetypes and/or classes?
A) I love playing Aasimar, tiefling, Drow & Kalashtar … elves are fun too with so many possibilities.
Artificer, arcane trickster rogue, Paladin, barbarian & blood hunter are my favorites.
Q) Are you all experienced in other ttrpgs? If so, which?
A) mostly I play [D&D] 5e, but I’m also currently in a Warhammer 40k campaign, it’s really gritty & full of investigative work as well as lots of combat. I play a Sister Hospitaliar which is basically a cleric in [D&D] 5e.
Q) How long have you all been working together on this AP?
A) Since December 2021.
Q) Behind the scenes, what kind of equipment and/or software do you use for recording?
A) I’m not sure what Crest uses, but for my eventual podcast I’ll probably be using Audacity.
[This is] my first interview!
What’s funny is I play a lot of clerics & it’s not on my list of favorites. I’m actually a cleric in the podcast lol. [I was] Tiefling Artificer in Faerun Reborn.
Q) That was going to be my next question lol. Are you usually a cleric out of necessity?
A) Yeah, generally. I’m the mom of most groups. They get to be crazy & I have to save them lol. I play, like, 8 games a week so I get to let loose every now & then.
Q) So the current AP is Choices: A Fallen Camelot campaign, this is a D&D 5e system?
A) Yes, we use Shard Tabletop. That’s important, I should have mentioned that. We joined their Kickstarter.
Q) Ah, that's a VTT (Virtual TableTop) right?
A) Yeah. I’m familiar with Roll20 & Foundry… also our dm on Friday on TTRPG Academy uses Talespire.
Q) How many players are in your party?
A) Four. Two of which are in a podcast together as well, not D&D related though.
Q) So in A Fallen Camelot, I assume it's not in Faerun. Are you guys knights or King Arthur's underlings?
A) Camelot has come under attack by Mordrid & Morgana… it basically stems from there, lots of political intrigue & fighting against the people trying to support M&M [Mordrid & Morgana].
You can ask Crest about the actual campaign if you like. He built the world, we just play in it lol.
Q) Tell me more about you character, your cleric mom in Camelot?
A) My character (Phinri Lovasoe) is a celestial blessed healer. Basically an Aasimar cleric, but without any of the Aasimar traits, she was an elf before she became a touched & fallen creature (as in fell back to the world).
[Phinri] is kinda lost, but found her people again, she got abducted by a force that threw the group together. I’m part of the New Dawn Rebellion. Trying to find out where my party members came from… we never rp’d that… & my character has a -1 intelligence so she didn’t ask lol. I [also] have a companion, it’s a Chamroth, basically a purple wolf with tropical bird wings.
Q) Is Choices on podcast, or is it streamed through Twitch or something similar?
A) Both, Twitch & podcast.
Q) How long have you been working with Many Stories, Many Games?
A) Since December 2021. Been playing since October 2020 I believe…Two & a half years. Hopefully I’ll be dming my first podcast in a year. I got the idea, now I have to build the world, encounters, etc.
Q) Tell me about Faerun Reborn, what did that involve?
A) Wow, that was a lot & a bit ago. [Let's see…]
I was the adopted daughter of the leader of the town, the party spent a lot of money building the town up, we were fighting against a warring force that I honestly don’t remember the specifics of. We had to revisit a volcano where the original group had been to before & back to defend our town from the BBG forces. A lot of time travel happened to get information from my mother during one part. It’s honestly been so long since I played the details are fuzzy.
The best scene that is pre-podcast (only on Twitch) was when we tried to enter an enemy camp. Kai (my character) got caught & the group had disguise cast on them (I had an item on me already causing me to look human so it didn’t work on me) pretending they caught me. Brought me into the cages, rescued me & others, then our dragon came & blasted the camp with fire as we escaped. Some of us were hurt, but I got swept away by a pc with dimension door… we regrouped at a campsite with the rescued slaves.
Q) Can you tell us anything about your podcast? What's your idea up to this point?
A) Elements. Basically everyone who knows magic is attuned to an element (not taking it from Avatar, but from a [Choose Your Own Adventure] game I play), also they get secondary attunements & the two main characters have sun & moon attunements as well as the lesser ones.
Each character will get feats from their attunements giving them certain spells or abilities & resistances. It’s not completely scripted, everyone gets to choose race & class, but I’ll have to divide up the attunements.
Q) Sounds interesting, do you already have players lined up?
A) One for sure, I have a few more who haven’t answered yet. It’s still early, though. So I’m not worried. I have a lot of work to do first.
[Breaking news, Choices (Fallen Camelot) is taking a break & we will be running a mini series of Into The Mists. 3/21/2023]
Q) Have you GM'd often before? Or is this the first time ever?
A) This will be my first time.
Q) Excited, nervous, anxious, all of the above?
A) Yes lol.
Q) What's the setting, where will this take place?
A) I haven’t decided yet, possibly a college, or a world I started creating for another idea. Still deciding.
Q) Are there table rules that you'll be using in your game that stand out, or will you stay true to RaW?
A) I’ll be home brewing a few things but mostly RAW cause it just makes it easier for a first time DM.
Q) Do you think you'll have any guests at your game?
A) Maybe. I hope so, but it will depend on who’s available when. Even if I can’t get people who can play, I hope to get some to record what one of my npc’s say so I don’t have to do all of the voices lol.
Q) What about being a guest yourself? Are there any plans for you guest appearing in someone else's AP?
A) None currently, but I’d love to!
Q) If a reader wanted to reach out to you for an invite, what's the best way to do so?
A) I’m Just Jen🦋 on Twitter, I don’t check it as often as Discord… but that’s harder to find people on.
Q) Time to wrap it up, any parting thoughts for our readers?
A) Have fun & play a game!
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