Tony Spengler/ February 2023
When I first got into the ttrpg community on Twitter, the first podcast that I came across was DoubleDM. I remember reaching out to them for advice since they seemed so wildly successful. Not only did they actually reply, but Emil was incredibly informative and helpful. Their podcast was also enlightening, and their Twitter presence has always been friendly and supportive of the community. I was excited to hear that they were working on an actual play podcast. Now that I am in the journalist world, I had to get their thoughts and details on this project. Naturally, Emil was my go-to for getting the scoop.

Origin: Born and raised in Berlin, Germany.
Name/Handle: Emil/MasterOverSpace.
Experience: Been a player for over 9 years at this point, GMing followed after roughly 2 years of gaming and has been crafting stories as a GM ever since.
Age: A sweet 23 years old.
Favorite Race: Human, yes normal humans.
Favorite Archetype: Supportive
Favorite Class: Support Paladin.
Q) So, I know you well for DoubleDM, but tell us about this new project. Your AP, give us a quick elevator pitch about it!
A) Oh god yes, Titan’s Call is a story of 3 unfortunate heroes that rise to the task of unlocking the secrets of a mysterious world at the brink of being trampled to dust by ancient titans. We are still working on that pitch a bit, but it perfectly encapsulates what Titan’s Call is all about I think.
Q) Who is the GM for this titanic adventure?
A) That would be yours truly, me.
Q) How many players are in your adventure?
A) We have three players in Titan’s Call, we might add a fourth in the future but so far it's three.
Q) Is Titans Call aired on DoubleDM's podcast, or have you not aired any episodes yet?
A) Titan’s Call is aired on our podcast feed for now, but no episodes have been released yet. We have plans to split AP and Discussion Feeds into two at some point, but at least for Titan’s Call Season 1 the plan will be to upload it along DDM on the same feed.
Q) How long do you predict campaign one will run? As long as it takes?
A) Oh, at this time it's already wrapped up and recorded. We have 26 Episodes in Season 1 with plans for more seasons.
Q) That's awesome. Behind-the-scenes talk: What kind of hardware/software do you guys use for recording?
A) As for hardware we all sit at home using our own mics. We all use different condensers or dynamic mics.
Software wise we use Zencastr to record and Reaper as our DAW for editing.
Q) with the AP: Is this mysterious world your creation? Or are you running a module you have found?
A) Dyndra is an entirely unique creation from us as a cast. We created most of the world in Session 0 by asking each other questions and prompts to make sure the world would fit the characters my players wanted to create, not the other way around.
Q) Did you create a full world or just a continent to explore?
A) There is an entire world to explore, but for now our focus lies on only one fleshed-out continent.
Q) What's the terrain type of the continent? Does it have a little bit of everything, is it mostly forested, etc.
A) Mostly plains and forests. However there are quite a few geographical points of interest that include a deep dark forest, a jungle and a jagged high mountain range.
Q) How long have humanoids been on this continent?
A) I can't give you a direct number because of direct spoilers, but let's say that it's been several millennia. The current civilizations have only been around for roughly 1 and a half millennia.
Q) How about the pantheon of gods? Are there several or one?
A) There is a special pantheon that consists of 14 divine families. With one head of family serving as the domain's main divine. For each aspect you can think of, there is a god. There always was a god and always will be a god. They are mostly figurative, but also literal descendants of one or several of these gods. For example; we have the goddess of nature and the god of life. If you're a farmer and want to pray to the god of crops they exist and can be a child of either one or even both... It depends entirely on your perception and surroundings, but the godly entity is one and the same.
Q) If someone wanted to be a guest on this AP, is it too late?
A) For season 1 it's too late. For future seasons we might see if we invite a few people that we want to game with, but currently there are no plans for it. Not that we don't want to game with people, but inviting someone on (what is essentially your flagship project) that we don't personally know well is a risky step. It could mess with the vibe of the game we are having right now or could feel forced. Which isn't something we really think would benefit the project.
Q) For future seasons then, when and how should our readers reach out to you to request a guest spot?
A) I wouldn't feel comfortable with people reaching out requesting a guest spot on Titan’s Call as I really hate saying no to someone but just couldn't possibly say yes to everyone. However if there is ever anything people want to ask us about, they can use our Twitter DMs or our Business E-Mail
Q) How about you or your players getting invited as guests on other APs? Are ya'll interested, and if so should readers contact you via your Twitter or email as well?
A) That is something that can be discussed if someone wants to have us on their shows or work together. An E-Mail or a Twitter DM is a great way to get connected with us to discuss such arrangements.
Q) Any last words or thoughts for our readers as we wrap this up?
A) First of all thanks to you and All Flex No Dex, go listen to them! for having me on this interview and giving me the opportunity to talk about Titan’s Call. Thank you dear reader for reading this and I am happy to answer any further questions on twitter or per E-Mail. And lastly, I just want to thank my DoubleDM Crew that helped me create a project and business that I hope can bring us (and especially others) enjoyment and a place of fun.
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