So, why am I here? What makes me a valid reviewer of TTRPG Actual Plays? Let's start at the beginning, with a group of friends indulging one of their number's obsession. I was that friend and that obsession was Ghostbusters. I had ordered a copy of the Ghostbusters International RPG and coerced my friends to play with me. Thus, my most memorable TTRPG character was created: Peter Gunn. He was the soulless scientist type who was estranged from his pop star wife and his father was the chief of police. This group led to another and my first delving into the dungeon ( not to be confused with In 2 The Dungeon, an Actual Play I intend to be reviewing). We were playing AD&D, or DnD2e as they'd call it today. I would devour all media related to the game, and especially the Dragonlance tales books. My character was a wizard, a necromancer even. So, when a dwarf challenged our party to a drinking contest, I politely declined, since I had knowledge of what was going on. So, as the rest of the party was whisked off to search for the Greygem with Reorx, I was left behind to learn to play the lute. With college came a new character, Palamon the Seeker, a Paladin of Sune. He was the first character I had that was a true hero. He slayed a minotaur wizard and claimed his wand of lightning. My father even made me a wooden wand to represent it. This party was short lived, as was college. With a new chapter came a new game system: Rifts. My best friend and I played this for a long time, eventually until the group of friends who played GBI were reunited. We played for quite some time, until I was married. I hadn't really though much more about gaming until I got COVID. It was then I discovered Invitation to Party on G4tv. Watching the G4 celebrities with B. Dave Walters inspired me to get involved in gaming again. I couldn't really find a group to play with, so I did the next best thing: I started listening to Actual Plays! Because of them, I am currently in a text based game that I'm really enjoying and I've made multiple friends through these Actual Plays. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
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Where in Rifts did you play, and did you play DnD2e in Faerun or a homebrew world?