Since there has been so much talk lately regarding licenses and creator content, I thought I would share a review of a system created by one of my Twitter buddies: Fighter Guy Studios' Brains & Brawn Super Simple Table Top Roleplaying Game!
As the title states, it's super simple. It's generally d10 based(although they do offer a d6 version). There is only one stat number you need to worry about, and that is a number between 3 and 8. The higher the number, the more Brawn. The lower the number, the more Brain. That number also is your health.
I really enjoy the description of this game system. It is written in the same irreverent tone that I remember from West End Games Ghostbusters International. With a 4 page rule book and a long list of supplements, such as Roamers & Revenants, Sticks & Stones, and Villains & Valiants, it's quick and easy to learn and can fit any genre!
Give it a look at and try it out if you're looking for an awesome new system for your actual play needs