With the number of podcasts that are out there and the number that have a crazy amout of episodes, it's hard to find one that you can invest in right away. Of Dice And Them is a new podcast that just launched this month, and with three available episodes, you can jump right in at the beginning and learn all about this bunch of crazies!
The action starts in the town of Grebthia, where our heroes have been chosen for a special mission. "What heroes?" you may ask. First off is Gus Miller. Gus is a teenage Halfling Druid who enjoys terrorizing her siblings with her wild shapes. Then there is Light On The Lake At Midnight. Light is a Tabaxi Rogue whose eyes are on the prize, as long as the prize is for them. Next is Lyosha Podkholmov. Lyosha is a Dwarf Ranger with an Eurasian Eagle Owl named Asya and little social knowledge when interacting with others. Last, but certainly not least is Ser Gladstone Pyke. Ser Gladstone is a tall drink of water, growing at least an inch each time he's asked how tall he is. He was wounded early on in a war and is trying to get back in the adventuring game.
As you could expect, hilarity ensues, as their dungeon master, Jack (@dmofdiceandthem on Twitter) tries to wrangle these characters. It is a homebrew world with some homebrew creatures so far. Sometimes, the story gets a little off track, like when they were deciding how small a hole a mouse could fit through. Other times, the characters break the fourth wall, asking Jack as the DM to change things for them.
The story has been unique and entertaining. I cannot wait for new episodes to drop. Check them out at https://feed.ofdiceandthem.com/site and on Twitter @ofdiceandthem.